447 State St. Waycross, GA 31501 912-283-0369
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
Mar 12, 2024
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
Feb 5, 2024
Sales man was helpful and answered all my questions
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
Jan 21, 2024
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
Oct 4, 2023
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
Apr 4, 2023
Rod's Rides Inc. Rod's Rides Inc.
447 State St. WaycrossGA31501
912-283-0369 $$$
5 Testimonials
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See What Our Customer's Have to Say

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Bill Hand - - - -

I have known Rodney since the 1970's. He and his staff have been a pleasure to deal with. We have purchased 3 vehicles from them over the past few years, and I have never had anyone treat me as good. He has handled issues that came up (they are used cars) that he was under no obligation to, but he understood how to do what's right with a customer. I'll be back in the future to do business again.

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James Cox - - - -

Down to Earth good people , If your looking for your next ride or just need some accessories check out Rod, He won't let you leave until you've got a smile on your face !

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Heather Dowling-Roberson - - - -

My husband and I recently bought our truck from Rod's Rides and we are more than happy. Everything was exactly as they said, from the down payment to the payment amount. Very nice staff. I recommend and look forward to purchasing future vehicles from Rod's Rides.

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Larry Foster - - - -

They are very nice and a great place to get a car from they have good deals

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Pete Strickland - - - -

Staff is very friendly and will go the extra mile to make sure you are happy. Will definitely be back when I need another vehicle.

Testimonial Photo

Jeff - - - -

I've only dealt with them once. But I sent my girlfriend there and told her what needed done because I couldn't due to not having a lift or tire balancer of my own. But they didn't try to screw her over or upcharge her for anything. These people are honest and are willing to help you out with great work. I will be purchasing from them next time I need tires.

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